"I found this video on Freedom from Emotional Eating and Self Sabotaging Programs 100% Natural Weight Loss Program that is Powerful and Effective! and thought you it might be of interest to you. Learn why it's so hard to give up! The odds are stacked against you if you have programs installed from your life Experiences and mental programs."
I don’t know about you but absolutely hated being over weight. Unless you’ve been living on a deserted island then you know from the general media that obesity is a very common problem, and while gathering my research for this article I was surprised to find out that obesity is not a new disease, but was actually recorded by the ancient Chinese around 3000 years ago.
According to the ancient Chinese, if you are overweight or underweight then your whole self: body, mind and spirit is imbalanced. You have a proper weight ration and this is determined by your height, bone density, body shape and other some other factors, and if in some way your weight is not in proportion to these determines factors than it indicates imbalance.
I like to use the analogy of a car. When you load a car up heavily and for too long after time this will cause stress to the engine and will eventually seize. Just think about your heart – which could be argued, is just like the engine but for your body, as your heart becomes over worked, so then, it becomes enlarged, and the heart muscles soften and become loose.
If you are suffering from craving all day then it only stands to reason that you will be produce an imbalance in your mind and body. The more you eat (especially sugary/starch foods – think candy bar) the more you will produce fat.
If you have tried will power to stop these craving then you know that it is really is a no-win situation. There is a saying in hypnotic circles that states: “to try is to lie.” And that is exactly what will power is: lying to yourself that you can do this.
Yet, there is good news. If you want to stop the craving and thus lose weight there is a simple technique which if applied 1 to two minutes per day can really boost your ability to stop the very thing that triggers the craving in the first place. (Thing being emotion.)
For you see, emotion not will power is the power source for all your motivation and if your emotions are negative we tend to reflect negative results and vise versa.
There is a method called Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) that really helps our minds become peaceful and gets rid of the need to wanting to overeat and once we have our mindset in the right frame then we can introduce sensible eating habits.
Because what we focus on the mind tends to reflect back.
If you are consistently hungry and you’ve tried everything from will power to faddy diets then you may be its time to look into your inner self and take charge of what has controlled you. Emotional Freedome TechniquesEFT for Skeptics
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